About AIACE Finland

Information for EU pensioners tailored for the Finnish situation
AIACE Finland is the association of the EU pensioners living in Finland or having connections with Finland. We work mainly in Finnish but can help in Swedish, English and French.
The association brings together former colleagues and their families, provides practical support and advice. AIACE Finland’s action has four pillars. The association
- sends regular information to members by email and maintains the EU Pensioner’s Handbook, containing tailored advice for those living in Finland.
- provides personal support through Helpdesk volunteers when there are problems and questions regarding pensions, health, loneliness or other social matters as well as advice on IT problems.
- organises information and discussion events on the EU and its policies and promotes the European cause in Finland.
- organises leisure time events (music, theatre and arts) as well as arranges trips in Finland and to abroad.
Within the association, the brass band Rubato and the Golf Club bring together colleagues interested in those activities.
Members served across Finland and beyond
In line with the increasing number of EU pensioners living in Finland, our membership has grown to over 400. But many Finnish pensioners living abroad have also joined. It is possible to become a member of more than one national section (for example in Finland and in another country where an AIACE section has been established) and benefit from their services.
While most of our members live in the capital region, we offer possibilities to members from all-over Finland to participate in activities by using a remote connection in most events and meetings, which allows not only listening and watching but truly participating in discussions. In addition, members in Tampere and Turku regions organise local gatherings a few times a year.
Information for your needs
Our flagship product, the EU pensioners handbook, advises in Finnish on returning to Finland, explains EU pensioner’s rights and obligations and PMO’s digital services. It tells how to interact with the EU and Finnish authorities and contains a guide to a widow or widower, among other things. A printed version is given when joining AIACE Finland. The online version is updated continuously.
The website www.aiace-fi.eu is a rich and lively source of information. Have a look to get a glimpse of what is available.

Contact AIACE Finland
Basic information about the association is available on our website www.aiace-fi.eu.
You will also find an online membership application form on the site.
President Tapani Piha and vice-president Tiina Lohikko, toimisto@aiace-fi.eu
Secretary Ritva Luomala-Järvi, toimisto@aiace-fi.eu
Membership Piivi Öhman, jasenasiat@aiace-fi.eu
List of the Board members.
Updated 14.11.2024